Video monitoring services
CategoriesPhysical Security, Video Monitoring, Video Surveillance SystemsNo Comments on 1,396 views

Why Event-Based Video Monitoring Services with Star Asset Security Makes Sense.

Crime can happen at any time of the day, but there is generally a spike in the evenings and on weekends. Having proactive security measures in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is no longer optional, but a necessity across all industries. Businesses have an obligation to protect their people, facility and assets to foster continued success. It only takes one attempt on an unprotected business to harm staff and cause insurmountable and costly damage to your operations.

The thought of managing live video surveillance to increase facility security can be daunting. It’s an inefficient, reactive model with a delayed response and the staffing costs quickly add up.  Not to mention, human error is inevitable given the impossibility of being in multiple places at once.  The good news is, there are video monitoring services for 24/7 security that no longer require shifts of security guards rotating in throughout the day to meticulously watch screens or investigate into footage.

We are now in an era where technology advances have catapulted managed security, allowing for proactive and cost-effective solutions to prevent crime.  Event-based video monitoring with Star Asset Security is an advanced extension of your department without the increased overhead.  We reduce the internal burden by removing the need for having eyes on live surveillance footage at all times of the day.

How Event-Based Video Monitoring Services Work.

Event-based video monitoring is a proactive approach to ensuring your organization is secured and alleviates the challenges associated with managing it in-house.  Our virtual security guards utilize advanced technology and analytics to signal alerts based on identified thresholds.  New or current video surveillance CCTVs in place are empowered with event-based technology so the moment an intruder steps onto the property, our team is alerted.  With our voice-down feature, we can speak directly to potential intruders to mitigate threats and dispatch authorities only when necessary.  On average, it takes over a minute for an intruder to make their way on to a property, use brute force to enter the facility and then carry out malicious activity.  Star Asset Security has an average response time of 20 seconds and we are on the case before an incident even occurs.  Customers that utilize the voice down feature deter over 90% of incidents from happening.

The Benefits of Leveraging Event-Based Video Monitoring Services.

Prevention is key and event-based video monitoring boasts substantial benefits over security guards, making the managed service an obvious choice.

Increase your security:  Let’s face it, in today’s litigious society, there is an obligation to provide reasonable care to protect your company, assets and employee’s well-being. Event-based video monitoring removes human error by leveraging advanced technology, automation and analytics so your assets and people stay secured and you never miss a beat.

Significantly reduce your costs: With event-based video monitoring, you benefit from a reduction in your overhead costs, providing an immediate return on your investment.  A virtual security guard force eliminates the need of having someone on site throughout every shift.  It’s not just reduced guard costs that boast an ROI, but also the prevention of crime that would have resulted in property loss or vandalism.  Not to mention, there are some assets that are irreplaceable.

Seamlessly secure multiple places at once: Event-based video monitoring makes the impossible a reality, allowing you to proactively secure multiple locations and every access point simultaneously without an onsite team.  Real-time surveillance and recorded footage are always accessible to the customer.

Eliminate false positives:  Alerts are triggered when motion is detected so activity can be monitored immediately as it occurs.  Our security professionals only dispatch police if they are needed which eliminates false positives and potential fines.

Increase visibility:  Having full transparency ensures proper processes are adhered to and compliance protocols are met. Customer’s receive customized reports with advanced analytics, allowing for optimal visibility into operations.


At Star Asset Security, one of our core values is to think outside the box so we can put together creative solutions to help our customers solve problems, drive their business forward and enhance their physical security and IT networks. Visit to learn more today.

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